(As amended by the Board on the 20 November 2024)
(These By-Laws supersede all previously issued By-Laws of the Club)
(To be used in conjunction with the Mulgrave Country Club’s Constitution)
Numerical Listing of Content
1 Members Identification
2 Dress Code
3 Club Property
4 Behaviour
5 Blue Privilege Card Members
6 Club Visitors
7 Sporting Sections
8 Showers (Steam Rooms removed)
9 Coaching
10 Eligibility for Competitive Sport
11 Smoking & Vaping
1 Member’s Identification
a) Members must always carry their membership identification card or smartphone app with them whilst on Mulgrave Country Club (“Club”) property and produce such identification on the request of any staff or security member or a member of the Board of Directors.
b) Members must not loan or provide their membership card to another person for any reason.
2 Dress Code
The Mulgrave Country Club wishes to maintain a standard of dress for members and guests that does not offend, or affect the health and safety of any person whilst on Club premises and includes the following:
a) No offensive wording or logos are permitted on clothing
b) Footwear must be always worn in all areas of the Club
c) No person is permitted to be bare chested whilst at the Club
d) No headwear is to be worn in the gaming room at any time, except for medical or religious reasons
e) Students wearing school uniforms are only permitted on the premises if accompanied by a parent or guardian
3 Club Property
a) No member shall take away or borrow from the Club premises any article(s) or property of the Club without written permission of the CEO.
b) Any member found to be deliberately breaking or damaging Club property may be requested to pay the cost of such damage or breakages.
c) No member shall deliberately misuse or abuse club property in a manner likely to cause damage or breakage.
4 Behaviour
Members must always, whilst they are on Club premises or representing the Club at third party venues, behave in an appropriate, respectful and courteous manner to all staff, members and guests. This is to ensure everyone enjoys their time and experience whilst at the Club.
a) No intoxicated member or visitor shall be allowed on the Club premises.
b) Any member or visitor becoming intoxicated on Club premises shall be refused further service as per Responsible Service of Alcohol requirements
c) Any member or visitor who is requested by staff to leave the Club must do so promptly and without argument.
c) Any member who is refused service and/or requested to leave the Club on more than one occasion may be referred for consideration of disciplinary action.
d) Any member or visitor becoming disorderly or using objectionable language or engaging in behaviour that is unbecoming of a member shall be requested to leave the Club premises by the CEO, a Manager, supervisor or security staff.
e) The President, the CEO or their authorised deputy may suspend a member instantly for acting in a manner unbecoming of a member. This behaviour may have been witnessed by them, recorded on CCTV or reported to them. When this suspension is invoked, it must be followed by a disciplinary hearing pursuant to Clause 18 of the Club Constitution. During the period of suspension, the suspended member is not permitted on the Club premises at any time for any reason. The suspended member automatically becomes a prohibited person until a determination by the Disciplinary Committee is reached.
f) No member shall directly reprimand or directly criticise any employee of the Club.
g) All complaints can be made to the CEO or Club President verbally or in writing via the club email.
h) Management will investigate all such complaints against members and in their discretion, may follow up with a member and/or appoint a time when all parties to the complaint shall be given the opportunity of being heard by the Board of Directors.
i) Management may, after considering such complaints, adjourn the further hearing of the complaint, impose such penalty or penalties as the Board may see fit, or take no further action.
j) Members may escalate the decision of Management to the Board of Directors if they find the decision to be unsatisfactory.
k) All children under 18 years of age are to comply with these behavioural standards and must be always under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
l) Parents or guardians must not leave children unattended or unsupervised whilst they are engaged in any sport or game whilst at the club.
5 Blue Privilege Card Members (restricted)
Blue Privilege card members are:
a) Ineligible to represent the Club in any sporting activity.
b) Not permitted to use the sporting facilities of the Club, except as a bona fide guest of a Club Member, and
c) Subject to such limitation of access to Club premises as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.
6 Club Visitors
Any non-member entering the Club must ensure their attendance is recorded electronically and produce when requested relevant identification to confirm their identity to staff
a) Visitors who have been signed in by a member will not be permitted to remain in the Club unless in the company of an introducing member.
b) Members introducing Visitors shall be held responsible for their good conduct and for any debts contracted by them to the Club.
c) Club Visitors are not to use the Sporting facilities of the Club, except as a bona fide guest of a Club Member, or as part of an organised competition or specific sporting event being undertaken at the Club.
d) Members may introduce visitors to the privileges and facilities of the Club. The visitors name and address together with the name and membership number of the introducer shall be recorded in the Club electronic register (Please refer to information outlined in Section 15 of the Constitution).
e) A sporting section may introduce specific conditions to restrict guests and visitors using their sporting facilities. Any member found to be aiding a non-member to afford themselves of the privileges and facilities of the Club when not entitled may have the matter referred for disciplinary action. (For clarification of whether a sporting section has any specific conditions, please refer to that sporting section’s rules, guidelines or policy documents).
f) Members must not knowingly assist visitors to enter the Club unless the visitor has in the first instance attended to have their attendance recorded as required.
7 Sporting Sections
Any member who intends to play a sport and use the Club’s sporting facilities on a regular basis, must pay the sports facility fee relevant to that sport, in addition to the membership fee.
a) Members who are registered in competitive teams and represent the Club at a sport are required to pay a registration or pennant fee relevant to that sport, in addition to their membership fee and sports facility fee.
b) Members who represent the Club in a competitive team are liable for the individual costs incurred when playing at an opposing club.
c) Members who represent the Club in any sporting competition must at all times behave in a manner that is fair, reasonable under all the circumstances and is not likely to bring discredit to the Club. Any member who behaves in a manner which is unbecoming of a Club member will be referred for disciplinary action.
8 Showers
The showers are situated in the male and female change rooms next to the Squash Court facilities. They are available for use to all members and their guests.
a) Members and their guests are to be mindful of the excessive use of water and time whilst showering, as this behaviour may be unfair to other member and their guests.
9 Coaching
Coaching is not permitted unless specifically authorised in writing by the CEO and subject to such conditions as the Board from time to time determine(s).
10 Eligibility for Competitive Sport
Any physical activity carries with it a risk of injury. All sporting and recreational activities carry
with them inherent risks. Members must inform themselves of such risks and where appropriate obtain medical advice as to their capacity to engage in such activities. By participating in such activities and using the Club facilities, members warrant that they can do so safely without any unreasonable risk of harm to themselves or others.
a) Members must not use any of the Club’s facilities whilst suffering from any infectious condition that may be detrimental to any other person’s health.
b) Members use all the Club’s facilities and engage in any activity on the Club’s premises entirely at their own risk and acknowledge that the Club accepts no responsibility or any liability in respect of such use or activity
c) If the member causes harm to others whilst engaging in any activity on the Club’s premises or using any of the Club’s facilities then the member agrees to fully indemnify the club in respect of any liability that may attach to any such activity or use of the Club’s facilities.
d) Members are strongly encouraged to ensure that they have personal insurance that provides coverage to them in relation to personal injury/illness and the liability that they may have to others when engaging in sporting/recreational activities.
11 Smoking & Vaping
Smoking and or vaping is only permitted within the designated areas of the Club which are sign posted and only at times permitted for that particular designated area.
Corner of Wellington
and Jells Roads
Wheelers Hill, Vic. 3150
Phone: (03) 9582 4600
ABN: 16004568610
Copyright 2024 Mulgrave Country Club | All Rights Reserved